Chapter meeting, October 29, 2022
Our guest speaker was former NSSAR Genealogist General Bob Fish who spoke about trends and developments in lineage research as well as some constants in genealogy.
New compatriots Dr. Frank J. Keefer, Theodore L. Hanket and James M. Gilligan were inducted into the Society.
Stone Church Cemetery Sign Dedication, October 23, 2022
A sign listing the 18 patriots interred at Stone Church Cemetery was dedicated in a ceremony held by the chapter on October 23, 2022

Four New Compatriots Inducted, March 26, 2022
At the winter quarter meeting four new compatriots were welcomed and inducted into the Society and the Fort Henry Chapter. Pictured left to right are Compatriots Andrew Thomas Carey, Robert Shawn Schwertfeger, Thomas Vernon Anderson and Phillips Kimberly McCluskey.

2021 Flag Commendation
On December 31 the Fort Henry Chapter presented a Flag Commendation to Wheeling Park for displaying the National Emblem according to US Flag Code.

2021 Annual Wheeling Chapter DAR/Fort Henry Chapter SAR Holiday Luncheon
The Fort Henry Chapter hosted the annual event on December 8 in West Ballroom 1, Wilson Lodge, Oglebay Park.
The Wheeling Chapter DAR provided table favors and collected toys for veterans’ children.
Pictured below are Darleen Auber and Chapter Registrar and Genealogist Gary Auber who received the Distinguished Service Medal and Certificate for his dedicated work in preparing new member applications since the chapter’s establishment in 2014. He recently submitted his 45th application.
Also honored on December 8 was chapter Vice President John Hargleroad who was awarded the Roger Sherman Bronze Medal and Certificate for service to the Fort Henry Chapter. John secured two locations for chapter meetings ensuring safe settings during the pandemic. He’s also arranged Memorial Day ceremonies at Wheeling Park for the Wheeling Chapter DAR and the Fort Henry Chapter as well as leading Flag Commendation efforts for many years.
Chapter President Jay Frey presented Certificates of Appreciation to Compatriots Earl Nicodemus who was inducted into the Society at the Holiday Luncheon, and Ron Miller, member of the George Washington Chapter, Washington, PA. Earl took the lead in replicating a GW Chapter project Ron has introduced to our chapter. With assistance from Gary Timmons, Earl installed a sign listing the names of Patriots interred in the historic West Liberty Cemetery. The sign was sourced and fabricated by Ron and his team. It has a QR code that takes a visitor to the Fort Henry Chapter web site where profiles of the Patriots and GPS coordinates of their grave sites can be found. The Patriot profiles were compiled by Compatriot Timmons who has done extensive research on Patriots buried in Ohio County.
Chapter Meeting, September 25, 2021

April 23, 2021 WVSSAR Awards Dinner, Parkersburg Country Club

At the annual awards dinner, Eagle Scout Ethan Robey received his trophy, medal, certificate and $100 prize from WVSSAR president John Turley and his medal, patch and certificate from Fort Henry Chapter president Jay Frey. Ethan submitted the state’s winning essay in the Arthur M. and Berdena King Eagle Scout Essay Contest.
December 18, 2019 DAR/SAR Holiday Luncheon
The annual holiday luncheon was held at the Stifel Fine Arts Center. Guest speaker was Travis Henline, museum project manager with Wheeling Heritage who spoke about his work on the feasibility of creating a Wheeling Heritage Center.
New member Andrew P. Gamble, a student at American University in Washington, DC, was inducted at the meeting.

Chapter president Jay Frey awarded the Martha Washington Medal to Wheeling DAR Chapter regent Debi Smith in recognition of her outstanding service to the Fort Henry Chapter. In particular Debi was acknowledged for her leadership in partnering with the Fort Henry Chapter for the 2017 Fort Henry Commemorative Speaker Series, the Foreman’s Massacre memorial service on September 1, 2017 and the Zane memorial service on September 7, 2019, part of the Wheeling 250 observance.

President Frey was honored by Compatriot Gary W. Timmons with the Silver Citizenship Award given by the George Washington Chapter, Washington, PA. Frey was recognized for his leadership of the Wheeling 250 Committee.

Wheeling 250 Parade, September 7, 2019

Zane Memorial Service, September 7 , 2019

Pictured above is the Color Guard comprised of SAR members from the following chapters:
Benjamin Franklin, Columbus; OH
Capt. James Neal, Parkersburg, WV
Col. James Wood II, Winchester, VA
Ebenezer Zane, St. Clairsville, OH
Fort Henry Chapter, Wheeling, WV
Gen. Adam Stephen, Martinsburg, WV
George Washington, Washington, PA
Hocking Valley, Hocking Co., OH
Point Pleasant, WV
Compatriot Larry Perkins served as color guard commander and Compatriot Ed Cromley was commander of the musket unit.
Also participating in the ceremony were the Pack Horse Ford DAR of Martinsburg, WV and the Wheeling Chapter DAR, which co-hosted the event with the Fort Henry Chapter.

Fort Henry Days, August 31, 2019

The Color Guard at Fort Henry Days included compatriots from the WVSSAR Fort Henry and Daniel Boone Chapters and the George Washington Chapter of the PASSAR and the Ebenezer Zane Chapter, OHSSAR.
Two Compatriots Inducted at Holiday Luncheon,
December 18, 2018
Aiden Comer and his father, Alan Comer, of Triadelphia were inducted into the Society at the annual Wheeling DAR and Fort Henry SAR Holiday Luncheon on December 18 at the Wheeling Country Club. Aiden, who has enlisted in the US Marine Corps will report for boot camp in March. We wish him well!
Fort Henry Days, September 2, 2018
Color Guardsmen from three states and six chapters presented the colors at the 21st annual Fort Henry Days.

Pictured left to right, 1st row: Christopher Forshey, Ebenezer Zane Chapter, OHSSAR, Ron Bruce, Gen. Anthony Wayne Chapter, PASSAR, Nathaniel Black and Mark Black, Geo. Washington Chapter, PASSAR; 2nd row: David Ervin, Fort Henry Chapter, WVSSAR, Bob Tomlinson, Ebenezer Zane Chapter, Larry Perkins, Ebenezer Zane Chapter, Bob Grumbling, Point Pleasant Chapter, WVSSAR, Gary Timmons, Geo. Washington Chapter, Jay Frey, Fort Henry Chapter, Rick Greathouse, Daniel Boone Chapter, WVSSAR, Merle Tomlinson, Ebenezer Zane Chapter (photo by Joanne Sullivan)
Fort Laurens Memorial Service, July 28, 2018
Pictured at the Fort Laurens memorial service on July 28 are WVSSAR members Bob Grumbling, Rick Greathouse, Ed Cromley, Jay Frey and Gary Timmons (not pictured Bill Lester).
Located in Bolivar, Ohio, Fort Laurens is the only Revolutionary fort site in the state.
The annual service commemorates the patriot solidiers who perished during the siege by the British and their Native American allies.
Among the attendees were NSSAR President General Warren Alter and Central District Vice President General Tim Ward.
Flag Commendation Awarded to City of Benwood
June 18, 2018
Fort Henry Chapter Flag Chairman John A. Hargleroad III and chapter president Jay Frey awarded a Flag Commendation to the City of Benwood on June 18. In 2017 the city installed a 100 foot high flag pole in Benwood City Park that flies a 50 foot by 30 foot US flag. Lighted at night the flag is clearly visible to motorists travelling on WV Route 2 and OH Route 7 at day and night.

L to R: Benwood mayor Edward Kuca, police chief Frank Longwell, Jay Frey and John Hargleroad, June 18, 2018.
Flag Dedication, Ohio County Public Library, June 14, 2018
On June 14, Flag Day, the Ohio County Public Library hosted a noon Dedication Ceremony to recognize the Fort Henry Chapter and the Wheeling Chapter, DAR for their gifts of a United States and a West Virginia flag for the auditorium.
The Color Guard of American Legion Post 1 presented the colors for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mary Jo Guidi, Regional Coordinator for US Senator Joe Manchin, presented a message from the Senator along with a US flag, which has been flown over the US Capitol, as a gift to the Library.
Wheeling attorney Joe Blaylock, an amateur vexillologist (flag expert) delivered a presentation on the history of the development of the US flag.
A singalong of patriotic songs was led by Richard Morriale (Yodeling Dick Brooks) of Wheeling.

(L to R) Erin Rothenbuehler, Library Adult Programming and Publicity, Dottie Thomas, Library Director, Fort Henry Chapter president Jay Frey, WVDAR vice regent Debi Smith
Four New Compatriots Inducted, June 9, 2018
At the spring quarterly meeting, special guest Central District Vice President General Robert B. Fish, Jr. inducted four new members into the Society.

Pictured (L to R) new compatriots Robert Lohr Fisher of Moundsville, George Stockton Hazlett, David Martin Weaver and David Martin “DJ” Weaver, Jr.
VPG Fish also inducted the slate of officers elected at the meeting: President James H. Frey, Vice President and Registrar David G. McIntire of Morgantown, Secretary-Treasurer L. Dale Smith II, Genealogist J. Gary Auber and Chaplain The Rev. Timothy A. Spence.
Guest speaker Compatriot David P. Ervin of Morgantown delivered a fascinating presentation on the Continental Army in the Upper Ohio Valley.
Memorial Day 2018 Wreath Laying Ceremony
Pictured left to right: Fort Henry Chapter president Jay Frey, Geo. Washington Chapter vice president Michael Merryman, WVSSAR chaplain Bob Grumbling, WVDAR vice regent Debi Smith, Ebenezer Zane Chapter secretary Larry Perkins, George Washington Chapter secretary Gary Timmons
For the third consecutive year the Fort Henry Chapter and the Wheeling Chapter DAR jointly hosted a memorial service and wreath laying ceremony on Memorial Day at the flag pole in Wheeling Park. Joining in supporting the event were members of the George Washington Chapter (PASSAR), the Ebenezer Zane Chapter (OHSSAR) and the Point Pleasant Chapter (WVSSAR). The event was suggested by Fort Henry Chapter member John Hargleroad who was manager of Wheeling Park in 2015 when the first ceremony was held.
Compatriot Gary Auber honored at WVSSAR annual dinner
Compatriot J. Gary Auber received the WVSSAR Meritorious Service Award from State Society president William H. Lester at the annual dinner on May 18, 2018 in Vienna, WV, hosted by the Capt. James Neal Chapter. Gary has served as chapter genealogist for the past two years during which time our membership has tripled. His contribution to that achievement was recognized with the award.

J. Gary Auber (far right) is pictured with (L to R) WVSSAR president William H. Lester, guest speaker Travis Henline of Wheeling, WVDAR vice regent Debi Smith of Wheeling. At the annual election of WVSSAR officers, Compatriot David G. McIntire was elected secretary, and Compatriot James H. Frey was elected first vice president.
DAR/SAR Holiday Luncheon and Member Induction, December 13, 2017
At the annual Wheeling Chapter DAR and Fort Henry Chapter SAR holiday luncheon four new compatriots were inducted into the Society.
The event was held at the Stifel Fine Arts Center. Guest speaker Ted Duddra gave a presentation about Fort Laurens, Ohio’s only Revolutinary War fortification, located in Bolivar. The luncheon was catered by DAR member Debi Smith and her husband, Greg who is pictured below.
125th Anniversary, Washington Co., PA Chapter, DAR, October 7, 2017
Color Guardsmen from the Fort Henry, Ebenezer Zane and George Washington Chapters posted the colors at the 125th celebration of the founding of the DAR chapter of Washington County.
New Member Induction, Chapter Meeting, September 16, 2017
At the chapter’s quarterly meeting three new compatriots were inducted into the Society. Also, Ed Gustkey, a longtime member-at-large, was inducted into the Fort Henry Chapter. Ed was the first compatriot to sign the charter application to reestablish the Fort Henry Chapter in 2014. The members were also pleased to welcome newly transferred compatriot Ken Fast of Moundsville and visiting dual member Ron Darrah from Indianapolis who was in Wheeling for his 60th Triadelphia High School class reunion.
Fort Henry Days 20th Anniversary, September 2 – 3, 2017

Compatriots volunteering at the chapter’s table: L to R Ed Phillips, Tim Spence, Jay Frey, John Hargleroad, Dale Smith & Gary Auber

Combined Color Guard of Fort Henry, Ebenezer Zane (OH) and Geo. Washington (PA) Chapters with Marshall Univ. fife and drum corps (photo by Joanne Sullivan)
Foreman’s Massacre 240th Anniversary Memorial Service, September 1, 2017

Fort Henry Chapter members L to R: Jay Frey, Ed Phillips, vice president Dave McIntire, chaplain Tim Spence, genealogist Gary Auber, David Ervin, Gary Timmons

Color Guard, L to R: David Ervin, Bob Tomlinson, Ted Cox, Ron Barnes, Larry Perkins, Bob Grumblng, Randy McGill, Ed Cromley, Jay Frey, Rick Greathouse, Bill Lester, Gary Timmons

Fort Henry Chapter president Jay Frey, Wheeling DAR Chapter regent Debi Smith, immediate past regent Joan McClelland

Rick Greathouse, president of the Daniel Boone Chapter, suggested holding the ceremony. He is a descendant of Jacob Greathouse who was among the massacre’s victims.

L to R: WVSSAR color guard commander Ed Cromley, Fort Henry Chapter president Jay Frey, McMechen mayor Gregg Wolfe, VPG Bob Fish, WVSSAR president Bill Lester
Fort Henry Commemoration Speaker Series, August 31, 2017

Pictured at the Capitol Theatre, starting point for the Fort Henry first siege “Walk and Talk” are L to R: Jay Frey, president Fort Henry Chapter; Debi Smith, regent Wheeling Chapter DAR; Debbie Jones, site manager WV Independence Hall and Randall Reid-Smith, Commissioner WV Div. of Culture & History. (Photo by Margeret Brennan)
Fort Laurens Memorial Service, July 29, 2017

Pictured at the July 29, 2017 Fort Laurens Memorial Service, l. to r. Bob Grumbling, Point Pleasant Chapter, Bill Lester, WVSSAR president, Bob Fish, VPG Central District, Jay Frey, president Fort Henry Chapter, Rich Greathouse, president Daniel Boone Chapter (photo by Calvin Hannah)
Patriot Thomas Brownlee Grave Marking Ceremony, May 20, 2017
Fort Henry Chapter member Mark Welsh honored his patriot ancestor by installing a military grave marker from the Veterans Administration at Old South Buffalo United Presbyterian Church cemetery north of Claysville, Pa. The ceremony was conducted by the George Washington Chapter (Washington, Pa.). Among the attendees were Fort Henry Chapter genealogists Gary Auber and Glenn White, along with president Jay Frey and compatriot David Ervin of Morgantown, who along with Gary Timmons, participated in the color guard. Compatriot Timmons is a member of the George Washington Chapter and a dual member of the Fort Henry Chapter and the Ebenezer Zane Chapter (St. Clairsville, OH). He organizes color guards for the local chapters.

Color Guard at the grave marking included members of the General Anthony Wayne, George Washington, Ebenezer Zane and Fort Henry Chapters.
WVSSAR 90th Annual Dinner and Meeting, April 21 & 22, 2017
The Fort Henry Chapter hosted the 90th annual dinner and meeting of the West Virginia State Society on April 21 and 22. The dinner was held at the W.E. Stone Memorial Clubhouse, Wheeling Park. Guest speaker at the dinner was David T. Javersak, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of History and Dean Emeritus, College of Liberal Arts, West Liberty University. His topic was “A Revolution of Principles.” On behalf of the WVSSAR, Central District Vice President General Thomas L. Payne presented Dr. Javersak with the Silver Citizenship Medal and Certificate in recognition of his contributions to the state’s knowledge and appreciation of history.
The annual meeting location was the historic Federal Courtroom located in West Virginia Independence Hall, 1528 Market Street in Wheeling.

Fort Henry Chapter Secretary-Treasurer Dale Smith receives a commendation for his work from WVSSAR president Bill Lester

WVSSAR Officers, l. to r.: 2nd VP and Fort Henry Chapter president Jay Frey, 1st VP and Secretary-Treasurer Joe Khare, VPG Central District Tom Payne, WVSSAR president Bill Lester

Fort Henry Chapter members at the annual dinner (l. to r.) Alden McBee, pres. Jay Frey, Gary Timmons, secretary-treasurer Dale Smith, genealogist Gary Auber, vice pres. Dave McIntire

Vice President General Thomas L. Payne presents the Silver Citizenship Award to guest speaker David T. Javersak, Ph.D. on behalf of the WVSSAR
Wheeling City Council meeting, January 3, 2017
Fort Henry Day Proclamation presentation

(Left to right) Chapter secretary-treasurer Dale Smith, member Gary Timmons, Jessica and Emily Keller of Fort Henry Days Living History, chapter president Jay Frey and chapter genealogist Gary Auber
Fort Henry Chapter/Wheeling Chapter NSDAR Holiday Luncheon, December 14, 2016

Pictured at the Holiday Luncheon are (l to r) Compatriot Gary W. Timmons, Bronze Citizenship Awardee David M. Weaver and chapter president Jay Frey. Timmons nominated Wheeling businessman and community volunteer Dave Weaver for the award.

(L to R) Chapter genealogist Gary Auber with his grandson Colin Gabriel Ladd who was inducted as a junior member, with chapter president Jay Frey
Naturalization Ceremony, November 4, 2016

Pictured at the Naturalization Ceremony reception are Dr. Tamara Nichols Rodenburg, Chapter genealogist Gary Auber and Judge Stamp
Fourteen new citizens were sworn in by Senior Federal Judge Frederick P. Stamp, Jr. on November 4 in the Federal Courtroom in Wheeling. Compatriot Gary Timmons and Wheeling Chapter DAR regent Debi Smith delivered remarks. The guest speaker was Dr. Tamara Nichols Rodenburg, president of Bethany College. The Fort Henry Chapter was represented by chapter genealogist Gary Auber.
Five New Compatriots Inducted at Chapter Meeting and Program, September 24, 2016
Our fall meeting was held in the Waddington Room at historic Oglebay Mansion. A tour of the Oglebay Mansion Museum led by curator Holly McCluskey followed an interesting and entertaining program presentation on the Occupants of Fort Henry by Compatriot Gary W. Timmons.
Oglebay Mansion was built in 1846 and acquired by Col. Earl W. Oglebay in 1900. Among the interesting artifacts that Holly pointed out are a pair of lanterns owned by Maj. Samuel McColloch, a Frederick Faris painting depicting the Second Siege of Fort Henry and a chest of drawers that belonged to Betty Zane. Oglebay Mansion Museum is the crown jewel of the Oglebay Institute and respository of many artifacts associated with Wheeling history. Special thanks to Museum director Christin Byrum for facilitating our meeting arrangements and tour.
Five new compatriots were inducted and welcomed into the Society. Congratulations to Kevin Chad Baker, Leo Francis Bolden, Shawn Patrick Kinneer, junior members Braedon Michael Wright and Logan Anthony Wright, grandsons of chapter genealogist J. Gary Auber.

(l to r) Chapter genealogist Gary Auber, Braedon Wright, chapter president Jay Frey and Logan Wright.
Tour of historic Stone Presbyterian Church Cemetery, September 8, 2016
Chapter president Jay Frey, chapter genealogist Gary Auber and Compatriot Gary Timmons led a tour of Stone Church Cemetery for the Wheeling Young Preservationists. Nineteen Patriots including two Revolutionary War colonels – David Shepherd and Moses C. Chapline – are interred in the cemetery. For photos of the tour click on this link: Stone Church Thanks to Joanne Sullivan for taking the photos of the tour and for posting them on the Wheeling Young Preservationists and Friends of Wheeling Facebook pages.
Fort Henry Days Living History, Wheeling, September 3 & 4, 2016
Perfect late summer weather over Labor Day Weekend drew a large number of reenactors and spectators to Fort Henry Days Living History at Site One at Oglebay Park.
Members of the Fort Henry, Ebenezer Zane and George Washington Chapters joined forces to offer membership information and research materials to Fort Henry Days visitors. The Wheeling Chapter NSDAR also had a strong presence at the two-day living history event.
A combined SAR color guard opened the battle reenactment by presenting the colors for the singing of the National Anthem. The eight colorguardsmen included Jay Frey, (Fort Henry Chapter), Rick Greathouse (Daniel Boone Chapter), Bob Grumbling (Point Pleasant Chapter), Ron Miller and Gary Timmons (George Washington Chapter, PA), Larry Perkins, Merle Tomlinson and Bob Tomlinson (Ebenezer Zane Chapter, OH).
Among the visitors to Fort Henry Days were WVSSAR president Bill Lester and his wife, Ann.

Combined Color Guard: Fort Henry, Ebenezer Zane, George Washington, Daniel Boone & Point Pleasant Chapters (photo by Kari Cooper)
Wreath Laying Ceremony, Fort Laurens, Bolivar, Ohio, July 30, 2016
Chapter president Jay Frey and chapter genealogist Gary Auber represented the Fort Henry Chapter at the annual wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Revolutionary War Soldier. Compatriot Gary Timmons participated as member of the color guard.

WVSSAR Color Guard, left to right: Gary Timmons (George Washington PASSAR, Ebenezer Zane OHSSAR and Fort Henry Chapters); John Sauer, Rick Greathouse; Bill Lester; Bob Grumbling

WVSSAR participants at Fort Laurens: left to right Jay Frey (Fort Henry Chapter); John Sauer (Point Pleasant Chapter); Rick Greathouse (Daniel Boone Chapter); Bob Grumbling (Point Pleasant Chapter), Gary Auber (Fort Henry Chapter); Bill Lester (Capt. Ralph Stewart Chapter)
Eight new Compatriots Inducted at Meeting and Program, June 11, 2016
The chapter met in historic First Presbyterian Church, the oldest structure in downtown Wheeling, completed in 1825.
Church Elder John Hazlett toured our group through the sanctuary and the Memorial Room, providing insights into the many beautiful features of the building and the history of the church.
The business meeting and program followed in Fellowship Hall. Eight of ten new compatriots were inducted into the Society by special guest Bill Lester, president of the WVSSAR.
Chapter officers were elected and then installed by President Lester.
A program was presented by noted historian David Javersak entitled “Why Paul Revere Rode.”
A number of compatriots enjoyed luncheon after the meeting in the Victorian Room of the River City Ale House.

New Compatriots, row 1: Fort Henry Chapter president Jay Frey, Glen Baker, Jr., Ray Baker, Keith Baker, Bill Crowl, Bob Mead, WVSSAR president Bill Lester; row 2: Glen Baker, III, Michael Traubert, Bob McColloch (not pictured: Kevin Baker, Shawn Kinneer and Michael Joseph who were unable to attend)

Pictured at the luncheon following the June 11 meeting are (L to R) Rick Greathouse, president, Daniel Boone Chapter, Bill Lester, president, WVSSAR and Jay Frey, president, Fort Henry Chapter

Fort Henry Chapter officers: WVSSAR president Bill Lester, chapter president Jay Frey, vice president Dave McIntire, secretary-treasurer Dale Smith, registrar Brian Crawford, genealogist Gary Auber (not pictured genealogist Glenn White and chancellor George Spillers)
100th Anniversary Wheeling Chapter, DAR, May 14, 2016

Fort Henry Chapter president Jay Frey presented Wheeling Chapter DAR regent Joan McClelland with the Martha Washington medal and certificate for her outstanding support of the SAR.

Pictured with Regent Joan McClelland are color guardsmen Gary Timmons (Geo. Washington & Fort Henry Chapters), Bob Tomlinson (Ebenezer Zane Chapter), Jay Frey (Fort Henry Chapter) & Merle Tomlinson (Ebenezer Zane Chapter)
Fort Henry Compatriot Honored at WVSSAR Annual Meeting

Fort Henry Compatriot David G. McIntire (right) receives the WVSSAR Meritorious Service Award from Central District Vice President General Robert P. Cunningham, April 23, 2016.
Dave, one of our two chapter genealogists, was recognized by WVSSAR president-elect Bill Lester for his work on behalf of the State Society in researching the Tetrick Collection’s status and accessibility at the West Virginia University Library.
Joint DAR/SAR Holiday Luncheon, December 16, 2015
Five new Compatriots Inducted
At the Joint Holiday Luncheon of the Wheeling Chapter, DAR and the Fort Henry Chapter, SAR five new Compatriots were welcomed into the Fort Henry Chapter membership. Fifty-one guests enjoyed a fine meal and a photographic presentation of Wheeling images from 1915 by vice regent Jeanne Finstein, and a history of Edemar Mansion, now the Stifel Fine Arts Center, by site director Rick Morgan. Guests contributed toys for families of local veterans.
Battle Days, Point Pleasant, WV, October 4, 2015

Pictured in the SAR color guard at Battle Days, October 4, 2015, are Compatriots Gary Timmons (bearing the Pennsylvania state flag) and Merle Tomlinson, president of the Ebenezer Zane Chapter, St. Clairsville, OH (bearing the green and white chapter flag)

Chapter president Jay Frey pictured with NSSAR President General Tom Lawrence, Battle Days, Point Pleasant, October 4, 2015. Frey placed a wreath at the memorial service on behalf of the chapter.

Color Guard, US Army 116th Brigade Combat Team, successors of the August Co. Militia who fought at the Battle of Point Pleasant, October 10, 1774, pictured at the memorial service, Battle Days, Point Pleasant, WV, October 4, 2015
Tour of Shepherd Hall (Monument Place), September 19, 2015

Compatriot John Edward Osborne is inducted into the chapter at historic Monument Place, September 19, 2015

Mrs. Jeanne S. Carter and chapter genealogist David G. McIntire presented a program on Col. David Shepherd and Moses and Lydia Boggs Shepherd, and a tour of historic Monument Place, September 19, 2015
Fort Laurens Wreath Laying, Bolivar, Ohio, July 25, 2015

Fort Henry Chapter genealogist Compatriot J. Gary Auber lays a wreath on the chapter’s behalf.
Fort Henry Chapter Organizational Dinner, October 23, 2014

Pictured at the Fort Henry Chapter organizational dinner are chapter president Jay Frey, First Lady Billie S. Brock and NSSAR President General Lindsay C. Brock, October 23, 2014, Wilson Lodge, Oglebay Resort, Wheeling.

Guests Larry Perkins, Ebenezer Zane Chapter; Vickie Robinson and W. Anthony Robinson, Vice President General, Central District

Guests Joan M. McClelland, regent, Wheeling Chapter NSDAR; Cheryl Brown, Pack Horse Chapter, NSDAR, 2nd vice regent, WVDAR

Combined Color Guard, left to right: Don Brown, Capt. James Neal Chapter (WV); Larry Perkins, Ebenezer Zane Chapter (OH); NSSAR President General Lindsay C. Brock; Gary Timmons, George Washington Chapter (PA); Ted Cox and Ronald Barnes, Capt. James Neal Chapter (WV); Jack Coles, Point Pleasant Chapter (WV)