West Virginia State Society
At its annual meeting April 22-23, 2016 at Flatwoods Conference Center, Sutton, WV the West Virginia State Society elected its slate of officers and board of management:
William Hayes Lester, President (Capt. Ralph Stewart Chapter, Oceana)
Frank Cornelius Khare, Jr., First Vice President (Gen. Adam Stephen Chapter, Martinsburg)
James Harrison Frey, Second Vice President (Fort Henry Chapter, Wheeling)
Frank Cornelius Khare, Jr., Secretary-Treasurer (Gen. Adam Stephen Chapter, Martinsburg)
Rhendal C. Butler, Registrar (Greenbrier Valley Chapter, Lewisburg)
Douglas Wayne Harvey, Historian (Greenbrier Valley Chapter, Lewisburg)
Brian Casto, Chancellor (Daniel Boone Chapter, Charleston)
Gregory E. Michael, Chaplain (Gen. Andrew Lewis Chapter, Huntington)
Thomas J. Galloway, Editor, WVSSAR Newsletter (Gen. Andrew Lewis Chapter, Huntington)
Edward A. Cromley, IV, Color Guard Commander (Point Pleasant Chapter, Point Pleasant)
Steven D. Hart, Immediate Past President, WVSSAR (Daniel Boone Chapter, Charleston)
Richard D. Brockway, National Trustee (Greenbrier Chapter, Lewisburg)
William Hayes Lester, Alternate National Trustee (Capt. Ralph Stewart Chapter, Oceana)
Robert B. Fish, Jr., nominee, for Vice President General, Central District (Capt. James Neal Chapter, Parkersburg)
Board of Management
Richard D. Lockhart (Gen. Hugh Mercer Chapter, Princeton)
Kenneth Smith (Gen. Andrew Lewis Chapter, Huntington)
Alfred E. Cummings (Capt. James Neal Chapter, Parkersburg)
Robert G. Tilley (Capt. Ralph Stewart Chapter, Oceana)
David G. McIntire (Fort Henry Chapter, Wheeling)

Fort Henry Compatriot and chapter genealogist David G. McIntire (right) receives the WVSSAR Meritorious Service Award from Central District Vice President General Robert P. Cunningham, April 23, 2016. Dave was recognized for his work on behalf of the State Society in researching the Tetrick Collection’s status and accessibility at the West Virginia University Library.