David J. Perri receives History Hero Award
For two decades, groups and organizations working on behalf of the preservation and dissemination of West Virginia’s history and historical resources have recognized the dedication and labor of their most significant contributor through the annual History Day “History Heroes” awards.
History Heroes are individuals who go beyond the call of duty to ensure the success of local history, genealogy, preservation and museum organizations. The contributions of all History Heroes have been recognized during History Day programs at the Culture Center in Charleston, with most honorees present to receive their award. Their combined work makes a statement most deserving of this statewide public recognition. These recipients have been recognized for their grassroots efforts, years of dedicated behind-the-scenes services, or for a significant contribution such as preserving a site or collection, or publishing a work of family or local history.
This year the Fort Henry Chapter submitted its first nomination. David J. Perri of Wheeling received his History Hero Award on February 23, 2019. Dave has been involved with Fort Henry Living History and the annual Fort Henry Days for more that 15 years. A reenactor, he has portrayed various characters, and for the past decade he has served as battle coordinator, planning battle scenarios that incorporate diverse groups and reenact an event in Wheeling area history. Four years ago Dave added the duties of overall coordinator for Fort Henry Days while also camping and participating in reenactment. His leadership has fostered cooperation between Fort Henry Living History and the Fort Henry Chapter, which has brought an increase in our membership.
To review a list of all West Virginia History Heroes, please visit www.wvculture.org/History/historyday/histhero.html